A letter to all architects!

A letter to all architects!

Let's face it. Sometimes, we even ask ourselves why we went into architecture in the first place!

Why do we spend sleepless nights changing the project, once again?
Why do we drink much more coffee than our system can possibly tolerate?
Why do we feel on the verge of a nervous breakdown and suddenly manage to find some strength left in us?
Why do we start dancing at 4 a.m. in the morning and call our best friend who's still working -or dancing- too?
Why do we laugh uncontrollably at 6 a.m. because of the silliest reason that has ever existed on planet Earth?
And why do we cry right after that?
Why do we run like zombies to print the project, 5 minutes before the submission deadline?

But most ironically, why do we still smile so intently after we place the very last piece of cardboard in our model?

That's because we built something. Out of nothing.
And for that, we are called - or to be called soon - architects.

If you are reading this, you are special.
If you are a student struggling with your deadlines, you are special.
If you are an architect trying to figure out why they could possibly call it a 9 to 5 job, you are special.

The whole point of this blog is to be all together and share our struggles, hopes, and dreams...because I truly believe that it will be all worth it.

Share this letter with your best friends in architecture who have been with you through it all! They deserve to read this! ❤️

N.B. If you’ve read this till the end, it means that you belong to this beautiful community of architects and interior architects. It means that you too share the same struggles and the same dreams. Don’t leave this page without joining us and signing up for our weekly newsletter. We’re waiting for you!

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