Top 3 mistakes to avoid if you’re looking for an architecture job!

Top 3 mistakes to avoid if you’re looking for an architecture job!

You thought that completing your architecture degree was the biggest challenge you’d ever face in the professional field. After all, nothing can be harder than all of these sleepless nights, right?
Wrong. Looking for a job is a challenge, especially if you’re living in a country where the opportunities are scarce. Finding a job that doesn’t suit your aspirations is a challenge. Steering your architecture career to a successful place is a challenge.

However, there’s nothing to worry about. As one of my favorite quotes says: ‘He who has graduated as an architect has nothing to fear anymore.’
Well, I just made that up. But I believe it in my heart. So brace yourselves for all the challenges ahead, because you can conquer them all!
To do so, let us help you a little bit in your first challenge: searching for work. Here are the top three mistakes that you have to avoid at all costs:

1. The 'copy-paste' mistake
Do you have any idea how many CVs architecture studios receive each day? Tons! All with the same monotonous cover letter, 'Dear sir/madam, please find attached...' copy-pasted endlessly!
Be different! Do you have any reason why you would want to work at this particular firm? Great, then say it right from the start! This tiny detail will make a huge impact in the eyes of the recruiter.
Plus, don’t forget to check all our portfolio tips here!

2. The 'waiting' mistake
Yes, we've all been there at a certain point so we understand...Applying to jobs endlessly, never getting an answer and having to face this shocking reality after university, can be seriously depressing! But why don't you think about it the other way around? This might be the only time in your life where you get to learn things no one knows! Don't wait, invest this time to be the only architect who knows *this* or *that* skill! Reap the rewards later!
And above all, if you have to remember only one thing out of this article, don’t despair over the passing time. Use it, because it will pass anyway.

3. The 'average architect' mistake
Speaking of skills and differentiation, what could you possibly learn more? I'm sure that you already feel like a ninja juggling AutoCad, Sketchup, 3DMax, V-Ray, Photoshop, Illustrator, you name it! Well, we are architects and we are special! However, if there was only one thing that is much needed in the architecture field, but still very rare, that would be Revit! I'm positive that real Revit knowledge on your CV is a huge asset these days.

And if you need a good Revit course, we have some great news! The beginner extensive course that we usually give LIVE to our students will be launched ONLINE soon! This way you can access it anywhere in the world at your own pace! So if you’re an architect or an interior designer, you can check all the details here.

Above all, never forget that there are hundreds of firms looking for someone who has YOUR own specific set of skills. We hope that you’ll meet them very soon.

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