First day at architecture school!

First day at architecture school!

It was my very first week at architecture school. Heading to my class, I got into the elevator. Now, before I tell you the story, you must imagine accurately the scene. On the left, there's me standing with my long T-Square and my A3 tracing papers. Well, it wasn't exactly me. A bubbly and happy 18-year-old version of me.

And then, on the right, there's a man who must have been in his late twenties. He was holding huge rolls of papers. Quite spectacular for me at the time! He looks at me and asks me with a smirk: 'Architecture? First-year, huh?'

I nod. He laughs. Well, what seemed to be an evil laugh. The elevator door opens. Still chuckling, he threw a sarcastic 'good luck' and hurried into the hallway.

I never saw him again. But oh how much I remembered him! Every time I faced challenges and obstacles throughout my university years, that laugh was all that I could hear.

Yes, architecture is difficult but that's exactly what makes it so valuable! If it were easy, anyone would have done it. So whenever someone tries to laugh at your dreams, always remember this: ‘He who laughs last, laughs best!’

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Search for an architecture job, or pursue a master's degree?

Search for an architecture job, or pursue a master's degree?

Ace your architecture portfolio with this unconventional trick!

Ace your architecture portfolio with this unconventional trick!