You’ll never design an architecture project the same way again!

You’ll never design an architecture project the same way again!

We have a well-kept secret in the architecture community. It’s a password. Only seven letters. Even if we tell others about it, no one ever really understands its true meaning. Yes, it’s “concept”!

We may be laughing about it now but the concept is the point where every architectural project has started since ancient times! For that purpose, plenty of tools have been used; brainstorming, sketching, modeling, building prototypes, you name it!

Till today, nothing had changed. The design process is still as strenuous as ever. I would even argue that no two sides of a brain have ever quarreled as much as those in an architect’s head! That’s because, by definition, architecture is at the exact mid-way between rigor and creativity.

Whenever you’re designing a project, your mind seems to continuously have a weird inner dialogue. The creative right-side of your brain is a dreamer. He wants all the crazy outcomes. He dreams of a day when buildings can be so light and pure that they can fly! And, even cantilevers would be a thing of the past!

Next to him, the rational side of your brain is bewildered: “Are you crazy?” So, he starts nagging to Mr. Right Brain about all the engineering necessities, the rules, the regulations… and he doesn’t stop until they finally reach a “realistic” agreement!

So, how does this entire process start? Pens. Notepads. Clay. Cartons. Scissors. Cutters. AutoCAD®. We’ve always used uncountable tools; then why do we seem so defensive against other ones when they arise?

[Whispering] Revit® maybe?

To answer this question, I have a personal formula that proves the advantages of Revit, specifically in the above conceptual development phase. Whether in the rational or creative realms!

How Revit can help your creative side:


An architect masters the art of visualizing in three dimensions. After all, we are trained to imagine everything about the project, from all of its levels and spaces up to its most intricate details.

However, to truly “see”, every architect still needs to sketch, model, and experiment continuously. Revit permits just that. Instead of juggling several drawings and software, everything is now centralized in one unique file!

Moreover, you can cut any 3D section anywhere and at any point in the design process. Or, even better, plant a camera at the visitor’s eye level and see how it looks to stand there. A great idea might be modified in accordance with the new data, to make it even better!

After all, there’s only so much that Mr. Right Brain can imagine!


No one has ever created something from scratch. Anyone who pretends that they have would be ignoring thousands of years of cultural and natural heritage! The more data that we have, the more that we can extrapolate better innovations.

Creativity then stems from unknown places. And, in a lot of ways, we can use Revit similarly. When we have more data between our hands, we can build on them even more!

So, do you remember that camera that you positioned above? What about that 3D section? Just print out the view, sketch over it, think about your concept, modify, execute, and repeat! Quick, efficient, and keeps the wild ideas under a constant reality check!

Revit even offers a space for different design options inside the same file, adding even more ease for performing early analysis, exploring ideas, and experimenting!

How Revit can help your rational side:


Yes, we all know the feeling of deadlines approaching! At those times, even one minute seems to be made of gold. That’s when Revit comes to the rescue… or not!

I must admit that the biggest disadvantage of this software is its long learning curve and complexity. If it’s not being handled properly, it can consume crazy amounts of time, and complicate things even further.

However, once you master it, you would have gained a new superpower! For an in-depth explanation of how Revit can save you time, you can refer to the comparison between AutoCAD and Revit here.

Follow the brief:

How many times have you designed a project of X square meters only to realize at the last minute that you’ve gone way off the borders? The same thing goes for the program in all its details; the rooms; their areas; etc.

The left brain has to constantly keep all the numbers in check, constantly measuring, noting, and calling Microsoft Excel for help. Let alone bear in mind all the other rules and regulations! But why do that when you can stay updated in real-time with all kinds of schedules? The design process would be a breeze!

Let’s face it: the concept”, our real work as architects, will never be replicated by any software! BIM is only a set of additional tools. But, powerful ones! Even if they take time to master, everything becomes MUCH easier when you’re properly introduced to Revit.

So if you’re an architect, or an interior designer, looking to learn Revit the easy way, we have some great news! The beginner extensive course that we usually give LIVE to our students will be launched ONLINE soon! This way you can access it anywhere in the world at your own pace! If you’re interested, check all the details here.

Autodesk, AutoCAD, Revit are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. This article is independent of Autodesk, Inc., and is not authorized by, endorsed by, sponsored by, affiliated with, or otherwise approved by Autodesk, Inc.

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