Is Revit your enemy or your friend?

Is Revit your enemy or your friend?

Imagine that you just met a stranger at a friend’s dinner. You introduce yourself and they start instantly bombarding you with questions: ‘What are you eating? Where did you get that from?’

Soon enough, the questions turn into recommendations: ‘Don’t go that way, there are too many people standing over there. No, you can’t drink that, it’s not healthy!’ I bet that you will walk away and hate that person for life before you even get to know them.

That annoying stranger may seem like none other than Revit®. In the architecture and engineering world, Autodesk® Revit® is a software that allows the users to plan a building in all of its stages, from concept to construction.

When I first started working on the platform ten years ago, I remember feeling unable to move! I suddenly lost all the freedom that I had in AutoCAD®. In the drafting world, I could instantly draw anything that I had in mind – any detail, any space, any form, no matter how complex.

However, in Revit, there were no more ‘lines’ but rather elements and components. Everything had to wear an identity, a series of information. As if it started bombarding me with questions: ‘What’s the height of this wall? What layers is it made from?’

Soon enough, the questions turned into warnings: ‘These walls overlap! You cannot ignore this warning, the floor sketch is invalid!’

For anyone who has tried working on Revit and felt the above, I understand your frustration. It sounds like there’s a little expert inside the screen spying your every move, doesn’t it?            

However, could it possibly be that the thing that we first hate about it is the same thing that gives it all of its power? I’ll take a bigger risk, could it possibly be that the thing that you now hate about Revit is the same thing that you’ll love about it later?

Because this is exactly what happened to me! As time passed and I started to control my model, I slowly realized all the huge advantages of Revit; I could cut sections or three-dimensional views anywhere to assess everything in real-time; I could extract all the information that I needed in neat schedules; The probability of errors or discrepancies dramatically decreased; the list is endless!

Don’t doubt it, Revit is a friend in disguise.
But, like all good friendships, they evolve! The more mature it is, the better it becomes. And, if there’s someone to introduce you appropriately and be there for you along the way, everything seems much easier.

So if you’re an architect, or an interior designer, looking to learn Revit the easy way, we have some great news! The beginner extensive course that we usually give LIVE to our students will be launched ONLINE soon! This way you can access it anywhere in the world at your own pace! If you’re interested, check all the details here.

Autodesk, AutoCAD, Revit are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. This article is independent of Autodesk, Inc., and is not authorized by, endorsed by, sponsored by, affiliated with, or otherwise approved by Autodesk, Inc.

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