Search for an architecture job, or pursue a master's degree?

Search for an architecture job, or pursue a master's degree?

Do you remember when you finished school and had to choose a major? This seemed like a huge decision to make, right?

Similarly, when we finish university, there's a crucial crossroad! But it is a sneaky one. It hides under:
‘Yeyyy, I finally finished university! Time to get a job and enjoy my life! Party mode on.’
You see the trick there? It doesn't even seem like there's a decision to make. Graduation = job. End of story. But it doesn't necessarily have to be that way.

1. Do you have a Bachelor of Architecture/Interior Architecture or a master’s degree? If it's a bachelor's degree, then I would encourage you to pursue your studies. I believe that it is important to have a complete educational background in this field.

2. If you already have a Master, should you pursue another more specific one?

It depends on why you’re doing it. Is it just because it's been a long time that you graduated, and you are starting to feel like all these idle hours are just too much?

If the answer is yes, I totally understand your frustration. It actually means that you're such a special person because you love to stay active. That's why I suspect that you already know deep inside yourself that 'not finding a job now' isn't a valid reason to pursue another master’s degree for two more years. You may find yourself facing the same challenge two years later. And overqualified to top it off.

On the contrary, are you pursuing another Master because you're so enthusiastic about a particular field and want to make a career out of it? (It could be environmental studies, urban design, etc.)
And do you want to leverage it by working in that specific field? Do you have a good idea about further plans for that? If the answers are yes, then another Master would probably be the right path for you!

To wrap it up, what to do? Find a job or pursue a master’s degree? Think like a business person. A Master is two years of your life! Is the Return On Investment (ROI) worth it? If yes, excellent!

If not, you may be wondering now: ‘Mmm OK, I may not want to do another Master but I still CAN'T FIND a job. What should I do now?’ Excellent question. Here’s the answer!

N.B. The architecture career path is a long one, isn’t it? Do you need some guidance along the way? If so, don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter, and we promise that we’ll be there for you with our weekly architecture articles!

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