Ace your architecture portfolio with this unconventional trick!

Ace your architecture portfolio with this unconventional trick!

Let us play a game! Are you one of these three characters?

1. An architecture student who's eager to finally graduate and start THE career path that you've been dreaming of!

2. A fresh graduate who's been applying relentlessly for several job opportunities and waiting impatiently for a positive reply.

3. An architect who's been in the workforce for quite a long time, but not really satisfied with your current job.

If so, take a minute to imagine being someone else. Just for a minute! But who?

Imagine that you are the owner of a big architecture studio and you want to recruit an architect. Then go grab your own portfolio and look at it through these fresh eyes. As if you have never seen this portfolio before!

What's the first project that grabs your attention? What’s the only perspective that stands out among all the rest? Can you easily understand what the projects are about? Do you feel that you want to continue flipping through the pages?

Believe it or not, YOU are your own best critic. And this technique works best if it has been a while that you haven’t seen your portfolio. Time and a little bit of distance have this magical power of letting us see what’s really important. And discarding all the rest. Yes, even for a portfolio!

For more tips, subscribe to our newsletter to ace your portfolio and find the job you’ve been dreaming of! And don’t forget to let us know the results that you got in the comments below. We want to help YOU excel!

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