What to do if you can't find an architecture job?

What to do if you can't find an architecture job?

If you’re one of these two people, you might really like this blog post:

1- The happy fresh graduate
‘Yes, so happy up until I discovered that I can’t find work with all these difficult circumstances!’

2- The sad employee
‘Well, I found a job, but I wish I didn’t. This isn’t how I want to spend my life.’

Before we go further, I have some very GOOD news. There are over hundreds of solutions for you! And no, they don't involve applying to 'hundreds' of firms searching for a (new) job. Here are 4 steps to help you find your true 'architectural' path:

I. Remember that you are a multi-passionate person!
Ok, ok...technically, I don't know you personally. However, if you're an architect, I think you're most probably a multi-passionate person. That's because architecture, in its very nature, is extremely versatile. And it requires us to know a lot about many different subjects.

So own it! Do you think you’re ‘stuck’ searching for an architecture job?
No. In reality, you just need to realize all the possibilities that you have to unlock your full potential.

II. 'Mix and match' to be unique!
Do you know what’s the recipe for success? Being truly successful is never being the 'best architect' in town. It’s about having two unique skills that are in two different realms. Let me give you an example.

There are thousands of architects. Thousands of journalists. But how many architecture journalists are there? A journalist can't write about architecture projects because he doesn't know enough technical information. An architect can't write about projects because it's difficult to find the words to do so. Find your top two skills and mix them! You will have something no one can compete with!

III. Enhance your tech skills
It’s hard to predict the future but there’s only one thing for sure! If you want to stay on top of your game in architecture for decades to come, continual learning is your only guarantee.

Well, think about it. Who can possibly compete with you when you know all the latest software? When you’re always learning new things? You become pretty much unstoppable.

But where to start? The answer is easy. If you don’t know Revit, this is THE most important software that you can learn at this very moment. And we made it easy for you! We have a course that can accelerate your learning. Click the button below to catch the train!

IV. Explore what's beyond architecture
Never forget that - as a multi-skilled architect - you have way more options than you realize! The only question is: which direction do you want to go?

Product design, urban design, film-making, jewelry design, stage design, restoration, research architect, lighting architect, photography, graphic design, entrepreneurship, teacher, architecture journalist, etc. The options are endless! And that’s exactly why I want to leave you with one of my favorite quotes:

‘There is more in us than we know. If we can be made to see it, perhaps, for the rest of our lives, we will be unwilling to settle for less.’

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