Which architecture choice are you facing right now?

Which architecture choice are you facing right now?

Here’s a funny story that happened today! I passed by the library, and stumbled upon a book named 'The Decision Book'. Seems serious, right? That's what I thought too! It's actually like a handbook of fifty different scenarios that help you make decisions. I loved the idea, but it seemed a little bit too theoretical. So I didn't buy the book. I did the next best thing.

I took a quick picture to save it in case I want to buy it later. And, happy that I saved it preciously, I walked away proudly. And I let this picture disappear in my phone's ocean of daily screenshots, inspirational quotes, architecture projects, jokes, personal pictures, architecture projects again...

Wait, wait…what? I just realized something! I actually couldn't decide to buy 'The Decision Book' or not! Now, how ironic is that?

And it made me realize something extremely important. We face every single day dozens of decisions. Some mundane, others completely life-changing! And yes, even in architecture! Can you remember all the architecture decisions that we have/had to make?

Before architecture school
Should I go into architecture or not?
The people there seem so tired, sleep-deprived...and yet so passionate at the same time!

The first year of architecture school
Should I RUN AWAY NOW or not?
Now, at least, I understand what tired and sleep-deprived means!

Through architecture school
Should I take this amazing Revit course to work faster and better... or not?
I've heard that it's completely life-changing.

After architecture school
Should I keep searching endlessly for a job... or consider another master? Should I travel abroad... or not?
Should I, should I...So MANY architecture choices each and every step. However, I truly believe that there's always something within us that tells us what we should do.

"When faced with two choices, flip a coin. Not to see the result but because, when that coin is in the air, you suddenly know what you're really hoping for."

And, in case you're still wondering...yes! As soon as I realized the irony of the situation, I came back and bought 'The Decision Book'. It was obvious that I could learn a thing or two!

Now, what about you? Which architecture choice are you facing right now?
We will answer all your questions in the comments below and try to help you find the best path!

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