Number one mistake to avoid in your architecture portfolio!

Number one mistake to avoid in your architecture portfolio!

We will help you ace your architecture portfolio and triple your chances to land a job! Ready? But first, let us tell you a story!

Imagine you're about to enter a big garden full of amazing flowers. On the main gate, the sign says that there are hundreds of types of different flowers inside! Some of them being really rare species! Enthusiastic, you visit it and you discover that they are all planted together in the same corner. You look around you and you are overwhelmed with all the different colors and forms. You look but you can't really 'see' any of them. Somehow disappointed, you leave.

Believe it or not, your architecture portfolio may be looking a lot like this garden. One of the most common mistakes done in an architecture portfolio is the layout. You want to showcase the maximum number of plans, perspectives, sections in a limited number of pages. After all, you've spent sleepless nights to have all of this! So what do you do? Wanting to fit them all, you adjust them together in around 5 or 6 elements at least, on each page.

Oh, by the way, your future portfolio will thank you if you learn Revit. You’ll be able to produce amazing 3D sections & perspective views almost instantly!
And don’t tell anyone, but we’ve got a BIG challenge going on.
We help you learn Revit in 28 days. Yes, really!

What happens in this case? The recruiter looks through your portfolio but doesn't really 'see' anything. He doesn't pay attention to this beautiful perspective on the corner, which shows a bird's eye view of your whole project. He can't even read the plan because it's so tiny. He looks but he can't really 'see'. Somehow disappointed, he leaves.

See the picture? The most important trick is to let your portfolio breathe! And yes, even if it means excluding many elements. Choose only the best of the best and let them shine!

Found it interesting? That's only one of many architecture portfolio tips of the series. Many more on our blog, take a look here!

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