Why I Started working on Revit!

Why I Started working on Revit!

I was a fourth-year architecture student, entirely submerged by the never-ending overnights and projects! Can you relate already?

Amid all this craziness, I had an elective course of a program called 'Revit'. Now, I have a confession to make: the elective courses weren't exactly on my top priority list back then!
However, during the class, I was completely surprised and intrigued by all the possibilities that it gave me as a tool. So I found myself in front of two choices, and only two.

Either I continue learning this software by taking a follow-up course and I start working on my projects on Revit. Either I stay in my comfort zone, work on AutoCAD, and just forget everything I've learned in that course.

It might seem like an easy insignificant choice, but it wasn't. That’s because I was scared that I wouldn't have enough time to finish my projects if I did them on Revit. Definitely not because AutoCAD is faster, but because "I" was faster on AutoCAD back then. I wasn't sure neither if I would know how to model anything I want, just like I want the design to be. I certainly didn’t need any more overnights to figure it out!

But here comes the key to the whole story! I thought of a simple trick.
If I continue working on AutoCAD, I would have to continue doing many things manually: drawing sections, elevations, cutting walls for doors and windows, creating endless hatches everywhere, creating an independent 3D model on Sketchup or 3D Max. And most importantly, whenever there are any modifications - and there are always many - I'd have to repeat the same procedure everywhere in the 3D, plans, elevations, and sections.

In contrast, all of these things are almost automatic in Revit! So I thought that I could, at least, invest that time to learn it. It would still take me many hours to finish my project but at least, I would have new skills!

Starting that day, I never used AutoCAD again.
This story was ten years ago. And that 'leap' turned out to be one of the best career decisions that I've ever made. I just didn’t know it at the time.

Now, tell me about you. Do you feel that this architecture student who's super busy with submissions, is a little bit like you? If so, I invite you to experiment with Revit because it is a BIG time-saver.

And you’re actually at the perfect place to learn it the easy way! The beginner extensive course that we usually give LIVE to our students will be launched ONLINE soon! This way you can access it anywhere in the world at your own pace. If you’re interested, check all the details here.

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